sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2015

A Dança por Serge Ivanoff

A Valsa

O Minuet

O Branle

O Tango
Desenhos de Serge Ivanoff, in «Dancing through the ages: from the 18th to the 20th century», in The Illustrated London News Christmas Number, 1941, pp. 33-36.
«Dancing was probably one of the first means of lyric expression to be invented by Mankind. (...) Moralists who consider it as a frivolous and puerile pastime doubtless do not recognise the philosophic importance of this instinctive language which reflects so faithfully the spirit of an epoch and that of the race.»
Sobre o pintor Serge Ivanoff (1893-1983) ver Wikipedia e o site oficial.

terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2015

Exposição de Paris de 1900

Souvenir de l'Exposition de 1900 - Le Pont Alexandre 1
(estampado sobre tecido almofadado)